Nationally Known Little Rock Lawyer Announces New Law Firm

Arkansas attorney Marcus Bozeman, who has built a nationwide reputation litigating complex class action lawsuits alleging such things as violations of the country’s securities and antitrust laws, today enthusiastically announced that he has opened the Bozeman Law Firm, P.A. in Little Rock.

Arkansas attorney Marcus Bozeman, who has built a nationwide reputation litigating complex class action lawsuits alleging such things as violations of the country’s securities and antitrust laws, today enthusiastically announced that he has opened the Bozeman Law Firm, P.A. in Little Rock. According to Mr. Bozeman, the firm will primarily market itself to others within the legal profession, making available to his fellow lawyers the exceptional legal research and writing skills he has developed over 25 years of practice.

Mr. Bozeman started his legal career with a two-year clerkship for Judge Floyd R. Gibson of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, and since that time he has regularly shouldered the briefing responsibility for cases in which he has been involved. Bozeman says that he has watched as lawyers’ courtroom appearances have steadily declined over the years, and it is now often true that “cases are won or lost based on the papers.” Bozeman believes that the general availability of his recognized prowess in the field of legal research and writing – as reflected in reviews he has received from peers on websites like – opens the door for any lawyer to get a “leg up” on the briefs.

By offering a reasonable rate for his services, with flexible payment arrangements available in appropriate cases, Mr. Bozeman hopes to be viewed as a cost-effective option for the smallest of law firms. At the same time, with experience drafting briefs addressing sophisticated issues in high-stakes litigation of national scope, Bozeman is positioning himself “as a feasible drafting alternative for bigger firms facing onerous briefing deadlines.” Bozeman reports that he has worked for both traditional plaintiffs’ firms and large defense firms, and he is comfortable advocating positions from either side of the aisle. Along these lines, Bozeman stresses that he will not demand attribution for any brief he writes, and the Bozeman Law Firm will never volunteer the identity of any client without permission.

Though the firm is based in his hometown of Little Rock, Mr. Bozeman – who is licensed in Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee – emphasized that it will have a reach extending from coast-to-coast. Further, although the firm’s focus will be legal writing, Bozeman expresses eagerness to be a part of legal teams bringing class actions on behalf of consumers across the nation. Additional information about Mr. Bozeman and the Bozeman Law Firm is available from the firm’s website,

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June 28, 2022
What to Know About (and When to Outsource) Legal Writing

Some people go into law school knowing how much writing will be needed during the course of their career; they may even look forward to the process (like me). Others find direction and fulfillment in client interactions, finessing the courtroom, and generating more leads. If you happen to be both, you are truly blessed and I invite you to skip down to the “When to Outsource Legal Writing” section. If you are the latter, or you find yourself pressed for time, stick around for my brief synopsis of legal writing and the value of outsourcing your important briefs.

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